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G I L B L A S; 22*
gjarding ray prifon as an unhappy abode, where I
should perhaps end my days, it appeared rather as
the means that fortune had ufed to raife me, to
forae great poll; for I reafoned with myfelf in
this manner : the partizans for the prime minifter
are Don Fernanda Borgia, Father Jerome of Flo^-
rence, and, in particular. Brother Lewis d'Aliaga,
■wlio owes to his interell the plaf.e : he at prefent,
pofleiles at court. With ; the afli(lance of thefe
poweiful friends, his excellency will demolilh all
his foes ; or perhaps the (late will ,foon alter its
appearance: his majelly is very licklyand as
foon as he (hall he no more, the prince his fon
■will begin his reign by recalling the count de Le-
mos, who will immediately rejeafe mp from this
place, and prefent me to the new monarch, who
will load me with favours. Thus, already, elevated
with future pleafures, I fcarce felt my prefent mis¬
fortune : but 1 believe the two bags of doubloons,
which my fecretary told-me hp had depofited with
the.goldfmith, contributed, as much as this hope,,
to the fudden change of my difpofuion.
I was too well fatisfied with the'zeal and inte¬
grity of Scipio, to be fdent on that -fubjedl: T of¬
fered him the half of the money which he had
preferred from the pillage 5 but this he refufed :
“ 1 expedl (faid he; another mark of acknowledge¬
ment” As much furprifed at his difeourfe as at
his refufal, I alked what I could do-for him.
“ Don't let us part, .(anfwered he) allow me to
attach my fortune to yours : I have-a frieridlhip for
you.which 1 never left for any otller mailer.”
“ And I can allure thee, child, (faid I) there is no
love loft; the very firft moment thou'esmeft to offer
thy fervice, I was pieafed with thy appearance r
we mult have, been bom under the Balance, or
X 3 Ceminf,