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G I L B L A S. I9S
prepared for the ceremony: Saleto took off rich
cloaths for the bride, and I hired a chambermaid,
a page, and an old fquire, for her attendants. All
this was ordered by Scipio, who waited even more
impatiently than I, for the day on which the dowry
was to be paid.
On the evening preceding that day fo much
dtfired, I fupped at the houfeof my father-in-law,
with unMes, aunts, male and female coufins, and
played the part of an hypocritical fon-in-law, to
great perfection. 1 Ihewed great refpeCt to the
goldfmith and his wife, aCted the palltonate lover
to Gabriela, and behaved very courteoudy to the
whole family, to whofe flat difcourfe, and eit-like
obfervations, I patiently liitened. Accordingly, at
the price of my patience, I had the good fortune
to pleafe all the relations. There was not one a-
mong them who did not feem glad of my alliance.
The repaft being ended, the company removed
into a great hall, where we were regaled with a
concert of vocal and inflrumental mufic, which
was not ill executed, although they had not chofen
the beft hands of Madrid. Several gay airs, with
which our ears were agreeably entertained, put us
all in fuch good humour, that we began to form
country dances. God knows how we performed,
fince I was taken for a difciple of Terpfichore;
though I had no other principles of that art, than
two or three leflbns, which I received from a cox¬
comb of a dancing-mafter, who came to teach the
pages, when I lived with the marchionefs of
Chaves. After we had fufficiently diverted our-
felves, it being time for each to think of retiring,
I was very prodigal of my hugs and bows. “ A-
dieu, my fon, (faid Salero, embracing me) I will
wait on you to-morrow morning, with the dowry