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» minifter’s fecretary ought to receive all forts of
people with good manners. Thou^fnayft, if thou
wilt^ be vain enough to look upon thyfelf as thy
mailer’s deputy ; but don’t forget that thou art
only his valet.”
Though the haughty Don Rpdrigo was very
much mortified at this incident, he did not become
a whit more affable. As for my part, 1 marked
this Xlroke, and fefolved to take care how I be¬
haved to people, in giving audience, and never to be
infolent but with mutes. As Don Alphonfo’s pa¬
tent-was expedited, I carried it away, and fent
if, by an exprefs to that nobleman, with a letter
from the duke of Lenria, in which his excellency
informed him, that the king had named him to the
government cf Valencia f ' I took no notice of
theThare I had in this nomination j I would not
even write ; pleafing myfelf with the hope of tell¬
ing him, by word of mouth, and of furprizing
‘him agreeably, when lie fhoiild come to court, to
fake the oaths for his employment.
Tie preparations for tie marriage of Gil Bias, and tie
great event that render d them nfelejs,
LET us return to my fair Gabriela, whom I
was to marry in eight days. Both parties
f Valencia, the capital of the kingdom that bears the
fame name, is iituatedon the banks of Guadalaviar,
about half a league from the fea. It is the fee of an
archbifhop, and feat of an univerlity, a place of great
trad:, and, on the whole, fo agreeable as to have
obtained the name of Valencia la bermofa $ Valencia the
beautiful. This country was formerly in poffefiion of
the Moors, from whom the city was taken, about the
end of he eleventh century, by the famous Ruy Dias, theCid,