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*76 The A D V E N T U R I S of
eaufe of the day’s approach. We the gentlertien I
undertakers carried inm back to his apartment
with great difpatch, and then went to our different ‘
homes, as well fatisfied in having fitted him with'
a fhe-adventurer, as if we had tranfa<3ed his mar- 1
riage with a princefs.
Next morning, I recounted this adventure to the
duke pf Lerma, who defired to be informed of:
every particular; and juft as I had finiftied my !
narration, the count de Lemos came in, and faid,
“ The prince of Spain is (o much engroffed by
Catalina, and has conceived fuch a pafiion for her, ■
that he propofes to vifit her often, and attach
himfelf to her alone. He wanted to fend to her
this day jewels to the amount of two thoufand pif- !
toles, but not having a penny in his purfe, he ap- :
pliid to me. My dear Lemos, (faid he) you
muft find me that fum immediately. I know very r
well that I incommode, nay exhauft you, but my j
heart retains the obligation; and if ever I find my-
felf in a condition to exert my gratitude, otherwife
than ip thought, for all your friendlhip, you (hall
not repent of having laid me under an obliga- 1
tion.” “ My prince (faid I, leaving him that in-
vflant) I have friends and credit, and will em¬
ploy them both to accommodate you with what
you want.”
“ It is not difficult to fatisfy his demand, (faid the
duke to his nephew.) Santillane, go fetch the
money : or if you pleafe, he will piirchafe the
jewels, for he is a perfeft connoifleur in ftones,
sfpeciatly rubies. Is not this true, Gil Bias ?”
(added he, looking at me with a fatirical fmile.)
“ Your grace is very fevere, (I replied) 1 fee that
you want to make Monfteur the Count merry at
my expence. This happened accordingly. The
Mpbew askeslwhat myftery there was in his word*.
“ Nothing,