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<5 f L B L A S . i/j
flWy ft ruck at t!te fight of the ladies, who received
Jrim into a hall, where the luftre of a'greaf num¬
ber of candles made amends for the darknefs that
reigned in the court. The aunt and niece were in
a gay difhabille, fo artfully difpofed, that no body
could look upbn them with impunity. Our prince
would have been very well fatisfied with Signiora
Alencia, if there had been no other for him t6
chufe ; but the charms of young Catalina, as thej’
deferved, had the preference. “ Well, my prince,
(faid the count de Lemos) was it poflible for u*
to procure your highnefs the pleafure of feeing two
ladies more handfome than thefe ?” “ I am ra-
▼ilhed with them both ! (replied the prince) and
I fhall never carry off my hea^t; for, the aunt
could not mifs of it, if it was poflible for the
niece to fail.”
After this compliment fo agreeable to an aunt,
he-faid a thoufand fond things to Catalina, who
anfwercd with great wit and fpirit. As thdfe
honourable people who perform the part that I
adted on this occafion, are permitted to join in the
-converfation of Movers, provided it be with an in¬
tention of adding fuel to' the fire ; I told the gal¬
lant, that his nymph fung and played upon thV
Jute to admiration. He was overjoyed to hear
that (he was miftrefs of thefe talents, and irf-
treated her to entertain him with a fpeiimen.
She complied with a good grace, took up a lutfc
ready tuned, played fome tender airs, and fung in
fuch an affedfing manner, that the prince dropt
down at her feet, in a tranfport of love and plea¬
fure. But let us finifh this pidfure, and only otf-
ferve, that during this fweet intoxication, in whicli
the heir of the Spaniflr monarchy was plunged, the
hours ftole away like minutes, and we'we re obli¬
ged to tear him from that dangerous houfet be-