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GIL B L A S. rijr
d»ks to a private piase, wJiere, after a pretty
ctptinate combat, I him through the body,
in three places, and left him breathlefs on the fpot.
[ _Dpn Hubertp finding himfelf mortally wounded,
fixed his laft looks upon me, and faid he received
the death I had given him, as a juft puniftiment
lor tb? crime he had committed againft the bo-
waur of my motherk He confefled that he had
jrjfoJved upon her deftruiftion, to be revenged of
her fcorn ; and expired, aftcing pardon of heaven,
Don Anaftafto, Eftephania, and me. I did not
think proper to return, in order to inform my mo-
iher of what had happened : I left that to fame j
and pading the mountains, repaired to Malaga,
adhere I embarked with the captain of a privateer,
juft ready to fail on a cruize. He thought I did.
not look like one who wanted courage, and gladly
contented that I fliould join his volunteers.
We foon found an opportunity of fignalizing
ourfelves. Near the iftand of Albouran,* we met
a corfair of Mellila, in her return to the coaft of,
Africa, with a Spanifti fhip richly laderi,..which
<he had taken off Garthagena-f-. We vigoroiifty at-
:tacked the African, and mads ourfelves matters of
* Albouran, a (hull jflandin the Mediterranean, on
the. coaft of the kingdom of Fez. Mellila is a little city
if. the fame part cf Barbary.
f Garthsgena, or New Carthage, an ancient city^'in
the kingdom of Murcia, fitoated on the coaft of the
^Mediterranean fea. It was built by a colony of the Car--
thaginians, and taken by Scipio, iiq years before the
b.rth of Chrift. Here it was, that great commander
Ijave that admirable proof of bis moderation, whujl
hath been trarifmltted to^pofterity in the ftpry of tbe-
f-autifift captive whom be fo gcneioufly reftorid to