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r$o The ADVENTURE’S of ]
teoas* condition, ftie waked the reft of the d
rneftics, and even the ntlgfib'bors with her crit
The chamber was fooh tilled with people j fd
geons were called ; they examined her wound, a
’had gopd hopes of her recovery. They were «
miOaken in their conjedture ; for, in a little tiri
‘they cured Eftephania, who was happily deli vert
three months after this cruel adventure, of a fc
Signior Gil Bias, whom you now fee. I am K
fruit of that melancholy pregnancy. •
Although fcandal fddom fpares a woman’s vi
tue, it refpedled that of my fnotherj and S3
'bloody fcene was looked upon in town, as t!
groiindldV tranfport of a jealous hutband. B
father, tis true, was known to be a violent mi
’ ■very apt to take umbrage without caufe, H<
dales concluded, that bis kinfwoman fufpefl
bim of having diftuibed the mind of Don Aif
ftafio with falfe ftories ; and fatfsfied with belt
at leaft, half revenged, left off vifiting heh N
to tire you, Sir, I will not enlarge upon the pari
culars of my education ; but only obfei ve, tb
my mother’s principal care was to have me tattj^
to fence : and I accordingly leainbd that exercH
a long time, in the moft celebrated fchools «
Grenada and Seville. She waited with impai
ence, tintil I was old enough to meafure fi
fwprd with that* of Don Hubert©, before flte Si
formed me'of the caufe fhe had to complain j
hifn: then,' I being in my eighteenth year, fi
' imparted to me the whole ftory ; not withct
ftiedding tears in abundance, and appearing a
-fefted with the moft violent forrow. What is
predion tnuft a mother, in' that" condition, mal
fen a fon, Who neither wanted courage nor fes
'fiment > { went inftantly, and challenged Ho;