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among whom may be mentioned Voss, 1649; Heinsius, 1655; Schrevelius,
1667; and Golius, 1667. In Flanders was formed that celebrated school
of painting from which emanated the masterly productions of Rubens, 1640;
Vandyck, 1641; Rembrandt, 1674; and the two Teniers, 1649 and 1694.
Mathematical science was cultivated hy Ludolph of Cologne, 1610; phy¬
siology by Wale, 1640, and Sylvius, 1672; and Huygens, 1695, is eminent
for Ins improvements on the telescope, and for the invention of the pendu¬
lum clock.
Great Britain—1700, Act of Succession—1702, Anne—1707, Scottish
Union.—1704, Victory of Blenheim; Gibraltar taken.—1706, Ramillies;
1708, Oudenarde ; 1709, Malplaquet—1714, House of Brunswick ;
George I 1715, 1745, Scottish Rebellions 1716, Septennial Act—
1718, Quadruple Alliance.—1720, South Sea Bubble; Walpole.—1743,
Victory at Dettingen.—1748, Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle.—1759, Conquest
of Canada—1763, John Wilkes—1773, American War; ended 1783; Fox
and Pitt—Naval Victories of Howe, 1794; Duncan and Jervis, 1797;
Nelson, 1798—Irish Rebellion, 1798.
France 1700, War of Spanish Succession—1715, The Regency of
Orleans 1718, Mississippi Scheme.—1733, War of Polish Succes¬
sion.—1740, War of Austrian Succession—1756, Seven Years’ War.—
1764, Jesuits expelled—1774, Louis XVI—1789, States-General.—
Revolution : 1793, King beheaded 1794, The Directory—1798,
Egyptian Expedition.—1799, Consulate; Bonaparte.
Spain 1700, Philip V. of Anjon; Cardinal Alberoni—1746, Ferdinand
IV 1761, Family Compact—1788, Charles IV.
Portugal 1703, Methuen Treaty 1706, John V—1714, Portuguese
Academy.—1750, Joseph I.; Marquis of Pombal—1755, Earthquake
at Lisbon 1758, Jesuits expelled.
Italy.—Victor Amadeus II. of Sardinia—1737, Francis of Lorraine,
grandduke of Tuscany.—1767, Jesuits expelled from Sicily.
Germany.—1705, Joseph I—1711, Charles VI—1724, Pragmatic
Sanction.—1740, Maria Theresa ; War of the Austrian Succession.—
1748, Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle.—1763, Treaty of Paris.—1777, Bava¬
rian Succession ; 1779, Peace of Teschen—1780, Joseph II.—1792,
Francis II—1797, Treaty of Campo Formio.
Holland—1713, Peace of Utrecht—1747, William IV—1751, Re¬
gency 1787, Revolution; William V.—1795, BataviariJtepublic.
Denmark Frederick IV 1720, Peace of Stockholm—1746, Fred¬
erick V.; Bernstorf.—1766, Christian VII.; Affranchisement of Serfs.
—Struensee beheaded, 1772.
Sweden—1700, Charles XII—1709, Defeat at PuItowa—1738, Fac¬
tions of Hats and Caps—MU, Gustavus III—1792, Gustavus IV.
Poland—1697, Augustus II.—1763, Stanislaus Poniatowski—Religious
Quarrels—Partitions, 1772, 1793, 1795.