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>7* the adventures of
heirs he would not fo much as fee. He dir
worth thirty thoufand ducats, which thy fathif
thy uncle Bertrand, and I have equally fliared’l'
mongusj fo that we are able to fettle our chi
dren to our hearts defire. My brother NichoF
1 iv already difpofed of thy filler Therefa, who
he has given in marriage to the fon of one of o
alcaldes. Connubio junxitjlabili, propriumque ! ^
cavit. Thefe nuptials, performed under the me"
1: ppy aufpices, wfe have celebrated thefe tv
days with much preparation ; three tents heir
pitched in the plain, one for each of the thry
beirs of Pedro, who, in their turns bear the erL
pence of the day. I wifh thou hadft arrived fooi'
er, to have feen the beginning of our rejoicing
The day before yefterday, when they were mar
ried, thy father gave a fumptuous entertainment;
which was followed by a courfe at the ring: thl
uncle, the mercer, treated yefterday, and regalei*
us with a paftoral feaft; ten of the genteelef
youths, and as many handfome maidens, werb
drefled like Ihepherds, all the ribbons and poinilr
in his fiiop being employed to adorn them. Th:i
gay company performed feveral dances, and fun k
a thoufand light and tender catches: neverthek
lefs, though nothing was ever more gallant, th)f:
fpeklators did not feem to relilh it, which Ihewb
mat palloral is quite out of date.
“ To-day (added he) every thing is to be £
ray coil, and 1 will exhibit to the inhabitants <
Olmedo a fhew of my own invention. Finis coj
ronabit opus. > I have ordered a theatre to be raijf
led, on which (God willing) I will make m#
fcholars reprefent a piece of my owra compofingf
intitled, 'I'he Diverfions of Muley Bugentun
King of Morocco, it will be extremely welji:
ided, becaufe X have fcholars who declaim lik