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wife had either lulled this Argus, or corrupt
her fidelity. As I went out to fiiave one of i|,
neighbours, a decent old woman flopping met
the ftreet, aiked if my name was not Diego\
la Fuenta? when I anfwered, “Yes.” “ W<^
then, (faid fire) you are the perfon I want. Co \
this night to Donna Mergellina’s door, and ma t
fome fignal by which you may be known a r
admitted into the houfe. “ Very well (faid I
her) we mult firft agree upon the fignal. I C j -
mimic a cat charmingly, and will mew feve;
times.” “ That’s enough (replied this fhe-mt.,
cury) I will report your anfwer. Your fervai
Signior Diego—Heaven blefs you—how haij p.
fome you are! By5t Agnes, if I wrere but i
teen years old, I would not chufe to engage y \-
for others.” So faying the officious beldame we
You may well think that I was furioufly a$;
tated by this meflage. Adieu the refledion g
Marcos! I expeded night with the utmoft im
patience, and when I thought Dodor Olorq a
might be afleep, went to her door, where I mev
ed fo loud as to be heard at a good diftance, ai \>
did great honour to the mafter who taught n
fuch a polite art. In 3 moment Mergellina he}
felf having opened the door ioftly, and let me i
fliut it again in the fame manner; and we wei >
together into the hall where ourlaft concert ,w;ti
held, and which was lighted by a fmall lara*
that glimmered in the chimney. We fat dow;
clofe by one another, for the benefit of conve
ling more at our eafe; and were both very muc
afleded : with this difference, however that plea ,
fure alone was the occafion of her emotion, whi >
mine partook a little of fear. My princefs i
vain afllired me, that we had nothing to dread of