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I3<f the adventures of
Refolving to accompany this barber to ••
own home, and from thence go to Segovia !
order to take the opportunity of fome cop *
riience to Madrid, we purfued our journey, j -:
difcourfed of indifferent fubjedts. He w a ^
young fellowr of fome wdt and humour: a1
when w’e had converfed together an hour, 1
a&ed how my ftomach wasdifpofed? I anfwe
he ihould fee at the firil inn. Upon which
laid, “ We had better make a paufe in the m< i
time : 1 have fomething for breakfait in my w; f
let; for when I travel, I ahvays take careo
have provifion along with me. I don’t trou; |
myfelf wdth clothes, linen, and other ufelefs b< S
gage : but refolving to have nothing fuperfluo ,
fill my knapfack wdth belly-timber, my raze i
and a wafii-ball.” I commended his pruden*
and confented, with all my heart, to the pal
he propofed; for I was hungry, and refolved
make a good meal, which I could not but e
pe£t, after what he had told me. We turneep
little out of the highway, in order to fit upon tr
grafs, w'here my friend the barber took out 1
vidluals, confifting of five or fix onions, wdtlm:
few crufts of bread and cheefe : but what he pt;
duced as the beft furniture of his budget, was
little bottle, full (as he faid) of delicate will
’1 hough our dilhes were not very favoury, bungd
being very urgent with us both, made them relij s
pretty well; and wTe emptied the bottle, whi<j
contained about tw7o pints, of a fort of wdj
which 1 don’t ehufe to boaft much of: aft!
vdiicV we Kot UP> and continued our journd
w ith at good humour. The barber, who hi
been informed by Fabricius that I had met wii
feme very particular adventures, defired to he;
them from my own mouth, a fatisfaclion I could ni