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the houfe ; and could not enjoy one moment11 i: '
pofe. This effectually detached me from phj jUT
and my foie care was how to free myfelf i t
difquiet. I refumed my embroidered fuit, :
after having bid adieu to my matter, who cc \-
not perfuade me to ttay, quitted the city at C
break, not without apprehenfr^i of mee: y ;
Don Rodrigo in-my way.
Of bis- rout when he left Valladolid ; and the £ i .
fan he joined on the road.
T WALKED very fatt, looking behind me fr ^
time to ti ne, to fee if this formidable Bifc: ^
an was not at my heels ; my imagination bei ?
fo much potfetfed by that fellow, that 1 took
very tree or buth I law for him ; and every n ,,
ment felt my heart throb with fear. I plucl {■■
up my courage, however, when I had gone E
good league, and continued at an eafier pace ii (r
journey towards Madrid, whither my purp«^.
was to go. I fhould have quitted Valladoi p
without regret, had 1 not been forry to part frcj j
Eabricius, my dear Pyiades, to wl)om I could n,
fo much as bid adieu : but it gave me no mor* [
fication to renounce phyfic : on the contrary L
begged pardon of God for having exercifed it E
all though I did-not fail to count, with pleafult
the money I had in my purfe, notwithilanding i
being the falary of my affaffinations : in that r
fpect, refembling thole ladies of pleafure, wl
reform their morals, but, neverthelefs, keep hi
hold of the wages of fin. My whole fortune
mounted to pretty near the value of five ducatj