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G I L B L A. S. 65
■; iich was a little, lean, fiei'ce, infolent creature,
: crceivod at once, by the difdainful look die
rted at me, that my frock was not at all to
I liking; a difguft which I forgave with all
f heart. rl fat down at table where I ate
re bread and cheefe, and fwallowed a few
• [ughts of execrable wine, which they brought
: ; me; and during this repaft, which.was very
II fuited to my drefs, I wanted to enter into
Iveriaticn with my landlady.—I begged her
tell me if ihe knew the marquis of Guardia;
• his caftle was fir from the borough; and, in
■ticular, if fhe had heard what was become of.
),!, pmarchionefs-his lady: “ You alk a great ma-1
qucilions,” (replied ihe, with a fcornfnl look):
, told me-however, (though., with a very bad
ce) that the caftle of Don A mbrofia was but
. lort league from Ponte de Mula.
■.a Yhen I had done eating and drinking, (it be-
. by this time pretty late) I exprefled a defire
. going tp reft, and bade them fliew me into a
r [-chamber. “ A bed chamber for you 1 (faid
^landlady, darting at me a look full of haughti-
g and contempt) I have no bed-chambers for
iple who fup on a morfel of cheefe.—All my
[s are befpoke:—1 expect gentle-nen of im-
pnee to lodge here to-night, fo that all I can
for you is to quarter you in the barn; audit
i p’t (I fuppofe) be the firit time you have ilept .
»n ftraw.” She did not know how true ihe
||ke ; but I made no reply, and very wuely
delcended to fneak into the ftraw, where in a.
Y ihort time 1 flept like one who had fuffered.
. pk fatigue.