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ic.T.ored to the right owner? Not at all; I afTtn
you he is now adually in the ftable of the town
clerk, where he has been depofited as a proof®,
the robbery : and I don’t believe the poor gdn
tleman will ever retrieve fo much as the cruppeBb
- '‘If
-But let us fliift our difcourfe (continued
what is your defign ? wThat fcheme do you intent
to profecute at prefcnt?” “ I want to go to Btl
gos, (faid 1) in order to find out the lady I deli
vered, who will give me a few piffcoles, wi*
which I will purchafe a new cafibck, and r»
pair to Salamanca, where I will endeavour t,
make my Latin turn to fome advantage. All
am concerned at is, that I am at fome diRani
from Burgos, and fliall want fubfiltence on tj
road.” “ I underftand you (he replied :) her
my purfe: ’tis, indeed, a little lov/; bu#j
ballad-finger, you know, is not a bifiiop.”
the fame time he flipped it into my hand fo chea
fully, that I could not for my foul refufe the i
fer, fuch as it was. I thanked him as much at
I t had given me all the gold in Peru, and mail
a thqufand profeilions of fervice, which I mei
had an opportunity to perform. Then, bti
ding Ifim farewell, I left the town, without ll
ring vilitcd tliofe other perfons who had con
buted to my enlargement; contenting myi
with bellowing upon them in my own thoughts
tboufand henedidlions.
The little ballad-finger was in the right®
fj eak modefiy of his purfe, in which 1 fouiull
very little money: but, happily for me, 1 ha>.l
been ufed to a very frugal diet; and I h»
i'ill ibme rials lift, when I arrived at the borod®
of Ponte de Mula, which, is but a little tvay fiw
Burgos.—Here I halted to enquire about Donns:
Mericia, and going into an inn, the millrefs®