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G I L B L A S. 45
urs to cafe me; one brought a bottle of uf-
ebaugh, and made me fwallow one half of it:
other, in fpite of my teeth, inje&ed a clyfter
oil of fweet almonds ; a third warmed a nap-
1, and applied it broiling hot to my belly.
oared for mercy in vain: they imputed my
:'es to the cholic, and continued to make me
Ter real pains, in attempting to free me from
e I did not feel. At lalt, being able to refill
em no longer, I was fain to tell them that the
ipes had left me, and to conjure them to give
e quarter. Upon which they left off tor-
mting me with their remedies, and I took
re to trouble them no more with my com-
aints, for fear of undergoing their good offices
fecond time.
. This fcene lafted almolt three hours, after
. lich the robbers, judging that day was not far
f, prepared themfelves to fet out for Manfillq: I
Duld have got up, to make them believe I was
ry defirous of accompanying them; but they
i^uld not fuffer me to rife, Signior Rolando faying,
^Slo, no, Gil Bias, ftay at home, child ; thy
iolic may return—Thou fhalt go with us an-
her time; but thou art in no condition to go
iroad to-day.” I was afraid of infifting upon
loo much, leall he fhould yield to my requell;
ierefore I only appeared very much mortified,
•caufe I could not be of the party. This I adl-
1 fo naturally, that they went out of the cavern
ithout the lealt fufpicion of my defign. After
ieir departure, which 1 had endeavoured to ha-
£n by my prayers, 1 laid to myfelf, “ Now, Gil
las! now is the time for thee to have refolu-
f n: arm thyfelf with courage, to finilh that
rich thou hallfo happily begun. Domingo
not in a condition to oppofe thy enterprize, and