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limbs: the only member at liberty was hii
tongue, which he employed in teftifying his im)|
patience by the moft horrible execrations. 4
Leaving this miferable wretch to Iwear and blaffl
pheme, we went to the kitchen, where our wholf
attention was engrofled by the lady, and we fuclt
cceded fo well as to bring her out of her fit: b'A
when flie had recovered the ufe of her fenfes, finli
fawherfelfin the hands of feveral men whoalt
fhe did not know, file perceived her misfortunj
and was feized with horror ! The moft lively ib*
row and direful defpair appeared in her eye»
which flie lifted up to heaven, as if to reproaeA, :
it with the indignities that threatened her:- the®..
giving way of a fudden to thefe difmal apprej
llenfions, die relapfed into a fwoon, her eyelid! i
dofed, and the robbers imagined that death i
would deprive them of their prey.—The capraiiu
thinking it more proper to leave her to herfel i
than to torment her with their alliftance, ordered
her to be carried to Leonarda’s bed, where iha.
was left alone, at the hazard of what might hapfi
pen. I
We repaired to the hall, where one of thefi
thieves, who had been bred a furgeon, dreffed th#
lieutenant’s wound : after whicti, being ceil roup
of feeing what was in the trunks, we found fomei
of them filled w'ith lace and linen, others withif
clothes, and tiie laft we opened contained fomei:
bags full of pifloles; at fight of which the gen-|';
tlemen concerned w'ere infinitely rejoiced. Thim
enquiry being made, the cook-maid furnifhed thej
fide board, laid the cloth, and ferved upfupperJ
Our eonverfation at firit turned upon thef
great victory wre had obtained ; and Rolandoli.
addreffing himfelf to me, “ Confefs, Gil Bla^j
(faid lie) confefs that thou wait horribly arraid.’|
I ingenioufl*