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G I L B L A S. 4t
reared very handfome, notwithftanding the me-
_ incholy condition in which die was, for Ihe had
, wooned during the engagement, and was not
et recovered. While he was bufied in looking
fter her, we took care of the booty, beginning
, *’it!i fecuring the horfes of the killed, which,
tightened at the noife of the firing,. had ran a-
vay* after having loit their riders. As for the
nules, they had not ftirred, although the coach-
nan (during the action) had quitted his place in
, -rder to make his efcape. We alighted, and,
; inyoking, loaded them with fome trunks we
bund faftened to the coach, before and behind,
Jtj ffiis being done, the lady, who had not as yet
i ecovered her fenies, was (by order of the cap-
: » ain) taken out, and placed on horfeback before
me of the robbers that was belt mounted; after
vhich quitting the high road, the coach, and the
end, whom we had ftripped, we carried off the
: - rdy, the mules', and the horfes.
. n what manner the robbers behaved to the lady.
—Of the great dejign which Gil Bias projected,
tj I and the ijjue thereof.
[ T was within an hour of day-break when we
A- arrived at our habitation; and the fir ft thing
; ye. did was to lead our beads into the liable,
1 /here we were obliged to tie them to the rack, anc(
ake care of them with our own hands, the old
;egro having been three days before feized with
Wioleuv fit of the gout and rheumatifm, that
f pt him a-bed, deprived of the ufe of all his
£ 3 limbs: