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laughing) there’s the coup d’eflai of Gil Bias ik..
let him go and unload that monk, while we <j r
ferve his behaviour.” All the reft were of r
pinion that this was a very proper commiflion | l
me, and exhorted me to acquit myfelf handfomj *
in it. “ Gentlemen, (faid I) you (hall be fat,
fied : I will make that prieft as bare as my bar,
and bring hither his mule in a twinkling.” “ 1> ;
no, (replied Rolando) die is not worth the trc j.
ble : bring us only the purfe of his reverenc \
that is all we expedl of thee.” For this purpof
fallied from the wood, and made towards tlr
clergyman, begging heaven all the way to pi f
don the adtionl wTas about to commit. I wot ,
gladly have made my efcape that moment ; b
the greateft part of the thieves were better mouii j,
ed then I, and, had they perceived me runni u
away, would have been at my heels in an ir
ftunt, and entrap me again in a very ftiort tin1f
or perhaps difcharged their carabines at me, .
which cafe I iliould have had nothing to brag I i:,
Not daring therefore, to hazard fuch a delies „
ftep, I came up with the prieft, and clapping ;
piftol to his bread, demanded his purfe. 1
flopped ftiort to furvey me, and without feemi:.
much afraid, “Child, (faid he) you are ye;f
young ;—you have got a bade trade by the hai |
betimes. “ Bad as it is, father, (I replied) ;
wifti I had begun it fooner.”—“Ah ! fon, fc j
(faid the good friar, who did not comprehend t j
true meaning of my words) what blindnefs !j;
allow me to reprefent to you the miferable co r
dition,”-“O father, (faid I, interrupting hi .
haftily) a truce with your morals, if you pleaf
my bufinefs on the highway is not to hear ft,
mons; I want money.” “ Money ! (cried t f
with an air of aftonilhment) you are little a,
quaint v