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ion of that young fellow, and I hope that we
11 make fomething of him : It is therefore my
c nion, that we carry him along with us to-mor-
. ? to gather laurels on the Highway, and uflier
i into the path of glory.” The robbers agreed
s-.heir captain’s propofal; and to fhew that they
ii;ady looked upon me asoneof their companions,
im that moment difpenfed with my fervice, and
eftablilhed dame Leonarda in the office fhe
i loft on my account. They made me throw
ray my habit, that confifted of a forry thread-
. e fhort caflbck, and drefs’d me in the fpoils of
i entleman whom they had lately robb’d; after
: ich I prepared for my firft campaign.
Bias accompanies the thieves, and performs an
exploit on the highway.
T was in the month of September, when to-
na wards the clofe of the night, I came out of the
i tem in company with the robbers, armed like
rin with a carabine, two piftols, fword and bay-
% t, and mounted on a pretty good horfe, which
Ir had taken from the fame gentleman whofe
s I wore. I had lived fo long in darknefs,
4 when day broke, I was dazzled with the
It, which, however, foon became familiar to
, t: eyes.
daving palled hard by Ponferrada, we lay in
ipufh in a fmall wood which bordered on the
il to Leon. There we waited, expe&mg that
June would throw fome good luck-in our way,
man we perceived a Dominican (contrary to the
c om of tuofe good fathers) riding upon a forry
: > 'e: “ God be praifed, (cried the captain,