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white gloves, and pearl ear-rings, are oddly
jumbled up with her lover’s looks and pro¬
mises. Perhaps she would he surprised if
she knew exactly how much of the fasci¬
nation of being engaged was owing to the
aforesaid inanimate concern. Be that as it
will, she is awakened by the unpleasant
conviction that cares devolve upon her.
And what effect does this produce upon her
character? Do the holy and tender influ¬
ences of domestic love render self-denial
and exertion a bliss ? No ! They would
have done so, had she been properly edu¬
cated; but now she gives way to unavailing
fretfulness and repining ; and her husband
is at first pained, and finally disgusted, by
hearing, “ I never knew what care was
when I lived in my father’s house.” “ If
I were to live my life over again, I would
remain single as long as I could, without
the risk of being an old maid.” How inju¬
dicious, how short-sighted is the policy,
which thus mars the whole happiness of
life, in order to make a few brief years
more gay and brilliant ! I have known
many instances of domestic ruin and dis¬
cord produced by this mistaken indulgence
of mothers. / never knm but one, whet e the
victim had moral courage enough to change all
her early habits. She was a young, pretty,
and very amiable girl; but brought up to
be perfectly useless; a rag-baby would, to