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The difficulty is, education does not usually
point the female heart to its only true rest¬
ing-place. That dear English word “home”
is not half so powerful a talisman as “the
world.” Instead of the salutary truth, that
happiness is in duty, they are taught to con¬
sider the two things totally distinct; and
that whoever seeks one must sacrifice the
The fact is, our girls have no home educa¬
tion. When quite young, they are sent to
schools where no feminine employments, no
domestic habits can be learned ; and there
they continue till they “come out” into the
world. After this, few find any time to
arrange, and make use of, the mass of ele¬
mentary knowledge they have acquired;
and fewer still have either leisure or taste
for the inelegant, every-day duties of life.
Thus prepared, they enter upon matrimony.
Those early habits, which would have made
domestic care a light and easy task, have
never been taught, for fear it w^uld inter-
*rupt their happiness ; and the result is,
that when cares come, as come they must,
they find them misery. I am convinced
that indifference and dislike between hus¬
band and wife are more frequently occa¬
sioned by this great error in education, than
by any other cause.
The bride is awakened from her delight¬
ful dream in which carpets, vases, sofas,