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Head VI. from Wrath. 605
not, but work out your Salvation with Fear and
Trembling, Philip, ii. 12. Fear him which is able
to defiroy both Soul and Body in Hell, Matth. x. 28.
Remember, ye are not yet afcended into Heaven :
Ye are but in your middle State. The everlafting
Arms have drawn you out of the Gulf of Wrath,
ye were plung’d into, in your natural State ; they
are ftill underneath you, that ye can never fall
down into it again: Neverthelefs, ye have not
yet got up to the Top of the Rock; the Deep be¬
low you is frightful ,• look at it, and haften your
Afcent. Ye who are yet in your natural State, lift
up your Eyes, and take a View of the eternal State.
Arife ye prophane Perfons, ye ignorant ones, ye
formal Hypocrites, Strangers to the Power of God-
linefs, flee from the Wrath to come. Let not the
young adventure to delay a Moment longer, nor
the old put off this Work any more. To Day if
ye will hear his Voice, harden not your Hearts; left
he fwear in his Wrath, that ye iball never enter
into his Reft. ’Tis no Time to linger in a State
of Sin, as in Sodom • when Fire and Brimftone arc
coming down on it, from the Lord. Take warn¬
ing in Time: They, who are in Hell, are not
troubled with fuch Warnings ; but are enrag’d a-
gainft themfelves, for that they flighted the Warn¬
ing, when they had it.
Confider, I pray you, (1.) How uneafy it is to
ly one whole Night, on a foft Bed, in perfefl:
Health, when one very fain would have fleep, but
cannot get it; Sleep being departed from him.
How often will one in that Cafe wifh for Reft !
How full of Tofjings to and fro ! But ah! how
dreadful muft it then be, to ly in Sorrow, wrapt
up in feorching Flames, thro’ long Eternity, in