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604 Exhortation to fly State IV.
nity, will each of them be heavier than the Sand
of the Sea : Time idly fpent will make a weary
Eternity. Now is yout Seed-time; Thoughts,
Words and A ft ions arc the Seed fown; Eternity
is the Harveft : Though the Seed now lies under
the Clod, unregarded by moft Men, every the
leaft Grain ihall fpring up at length ; and the
Fruit will be according to the Seed, Gal. vi. 8.
For be that foweth to bis Flejh, fleall of the Flejb
reap Corruption (i. e. Deftruftion:) But he that
foweth to the Spirit, Jhall of the Spirit reap Life
everlajling. (2.) Weigh in this Ballance, your
Vime, and Opportunities of Grace and Salvation,
and you’ll find them very weighty. Precious
Time an’d Seafons of Grace, Sabbaths, Communi¬
ons, Prayers, Sermons, and the like, are by ma¬
ny/now-a-days, made light of: But the Day
is coming, when one of thele will be reckoned more
valueable, than a thoufand Worlds, by thofe who
now have the leaft Value for them. When they
are gone for ever, and the Lofs cannot be retriev¬
ed ; thefe who fee the Worth of them, who will
not now fee it.
Use III- And loft. Be warned and ftir’d up to
fee from the Ifvath to come. Mind Eternity, and
dofly ply the Work of your Salvation. What are
you doing, while you are not fo doing ? Is Hea¬
ven a Fable, or Hell a meer Scar-crow > Muft we
live eternally, and will we be at no more Pains to
.efcape everlafting Mifery ? Will faint Wilhes take
the Kingdom of Heaven by Force ? And will fuch
droitfy Endeavours, as moft Men fatisfy themfelvcs
with, be accounted fleeing from the Wrath to come?
Ye who have already fled to Chrift, up, and be
doing; Ye have begun the Work; go on, loiter