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586 The Tunijhmcnt of Senfe State IV.
and Defpifers of the Gofpel, and the like : The
. feveral Bundles being call into Hell-Fire, fome will
burn more keenly than others, according as their
Sins have been more heinous, than thefe of others:
A fiercer Flame will feize the Bundle of the Profane,
than the Bundle of unfantfified Moralifis ; the Fur¬
nace will be hotter to thofe, who finned againft
Light, than to thofe, who lived in Darknefs, Luke
xii. 47, 48. 1'bat Servant which knew his Lord’s
Will, and prepared not himfelf, neither did according
to his iVid, Jhall be beaten with many Stripes. But
he that knew not, and did commit things worthy
of Stripes, Jhall be beaten with few Stripes. But
the Sentence common to them all, (Matth xiii. 30.)
Bind them in Bundles to burn them, fpeaks the
great Vehernency and Exquifitenefs of the lowed
Pegree of Torment in Hell.
Fourthly, They’ll be uninterrupted: There’s no
Jntermiffion there ; np Eafe, no not for a Moment.
They Jhall be tormented Day and Night for ever and
ever. Rev. xx. 10. Few are fo tolled in this World,
but fometimes they get Reft; but the Damn’d fhall
get none; They took their Kefi in the Time ap¬
pointed of God for Labour. No Storms are readily
feen, but there’s fome Space between Showers: But
no Intermiffion in the Storm, that falls on the
Wicked in Hell. There, Deep will be calling unto
Deep, and the Waves of Wrath continually rolling
oyer them. There, the Heavens will be always j
black to them, and they lliall have a perpetual Night,
but no Reft, Rev. xiy. x 1. Sfbey have no Reft Day
nor Night.
Fifthly, They’ll be unpitied. The Punifhments
infli&ed on the greateft Malefa&ors, on Earth, do
draw fortft fome Compalfion from them, who behold