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(594) 568 -
568 The ¥ uni foment of Lofs State IV.
leave a large Void for the unknown Land, which
the Day will difcover.
Firft, fbe Punijhment of Lofs, which the Damn¬
ed (hall undergo, is Separation from the Lord as
we learn from the Text, depart from me, ye curfed.
This will be a Stone upon their Grave’s Mouth, as
the falent of Lead, Zech. v. 7, 8. that will hold
them down for ever. They lhall be eternally fepa-
raled from God and Chrift. Chrift is the Way to
the Father: Rut the Way, as to them, lhall be ever-
laftingly block’d up, the Bridge lhall be drawn, and
the great Gulf fixed; fo lhall they be Ihut up in a
State of eternal Separation from God, the Father,
Son, and Holy Ghoft. They'll be locally feparated
from the Man Chrift, and Ihall never come into the
Seat of the Blelfed, where he appears in his Glory,
but be caft out into outer Darknefs, Mat. xxii. 13.
They cannot indeed be locally feparated from God,
they cannot be in a Place where he is not; fince he
is, and will be, prefent every where: If 1 make my
Bed in Hell, fays the Pfalmift, behold then art there,
Pfal. cxxxix. 8. But they lhall be miferable, beyond
Exprcflion, in a relative Separation from God. Tho’
he’ll be prefent in the very Centre of their Souls, fif I
may fo exprefs it) while they are wrapt up in fiery
Flames, in outer Darknefs, it lhall only be to feed
them with the Vinegar of his Wrath, to entertain
them with the Emanations of his revenging Juftiee:
But they lhall never tafte more of his Goodnefc and
Bounty, nor have the leaftGh'mpfe of Hope from him.
They’ll fee his Heart to be abfolutely alienated from
them, and that it cannot be towards them; but
that they are the Party, againft whom the Lord
will have an Indignation for ever. They lhall be
depriv’d of the glorious Prefence and Enjoyment of