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Head VI. Their Mifery, &c. 567
curfed Ground; take heed to improve them for that
End to your own Souls, and fear it as Hell, to get
ho fpiritual Advantage thereby. Remember that
the miry Places (which are neither Sea, nor dry
I Land, a fit Emblem of Hypocrites) and the Marijhes
1 (thatneither breed Fifties, nor bear Trees; but the
Waters of the Sanctuary leave them, as they find
them, in their Barrennefs)^//»o? be healed •, (fee¬
ing they fpurn the only Remedy) theyjhall be given
to Salt fleft under eternal Barrennefs, fet up for the
Monuments of the Wrath of God, and concluded
for ever under the Curfe) Ezek. xlvii. n. idly, Let
all Curfers confider this, whofe Mouths are filled
with curfing themfelves and others. He who clothes
himfelf with curfing, fhall find the Curfe come into
his Bowels like Water, and like Oil into his Bones
(Tfal. cix. 18.J if Repentance prevent it not. He
fliall get all his Imprecations againft himfelf fully an-
fwercd, in the Day, wherein he ftands before the
Tribunal of God; and ihall find the killing Weight
of the Curfe of God, which he makes light of
II. I proceed to fpeak of the Mifery of the Damn¬
ed, under that Curfe; a Mifery which the Tongues
of Men and Angels cannot fufficiently exprefs.
God always acts like himfelf: No Favours can be
equal to his, and his Wrath and Terrors are with¬
out a Parallel. As the Saints in Heaven are ad¬
vanced to the higheft Pitch of Happinefs, fo the
Damn’d in Hell arrive at the Height of Mifery. Two
Things here I ftiail fobedy enquire into, che Punifh-
ment of Lofs, and the Puniihm. nt of Senfe, in Hell.
But fince thefe alfo are fuch Tn’mgs as Eye has not
feeen, nor Ear heard, we muit (as Geographers co}