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Head V, The Conclufion, See; 55^
plain of frequent Interruptions of their Communion
•with God ? There they ihall go no more out, but
fhall fee his Face for evermore. If they are in Dark-
nefs here, eternal Light is there. If they grapple
with Death, there they fhall have everlafting Life.
And to fum up all in one Word, He that over-
comet h Jhall inherit all Things, Rev. xxi. 7. He
Ihall have Peace and Plenty, Profit and Pleafure, e-
very Thing defireable ; full Satisfaction to his mod
enlarged Defires. Let the Expedants of Heaven,
then, lift up their Heads with Joy, gird up their
Loins, and fo run as they may obtain; trampling
on every Thing that may hinder them in the Way
to the Kingdom. Let them never account any Du¬
ty too hard, nor any Crofs too heavy, nor a.ny
Pains too much, fo as they may obtain the Crown
of Glory.
Lafily, Let thofe, who have no Right to the
Kingdom of heaven, be fiir’d up to feek it with
all Diligence. Now is the Time, wherein the
Children of Wrath may become Heirs of Glory:
And when the Way to evetlafting Happinefs is o-
pened, ’tis ho Time to fit ftill and loiter. Raife
up your Hearts towards the Glory, that is to be
revealed ; and do not always ly along on this pe-
•liftung Earth. What can all your worldly Enjoy¬
ments avail you, while you have no folid Ground
to exped Heaven, after this Life is gone ? Thefe-
Riches and Honours, Profits and Pleafures, that
mud be buried with us, and cannot accompany us
into another World, are but a wretched Portion,
and will leave Men comfortlefs at long run. Ah!
Why are Men fo fond, in their Lifetime, to receive
their good things ! Why are they not rather in
Care, to fecure an Intered in the Kingdom of Hea-
ybi,. II. N n Veny