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558 ‘Duty and Comfort ^tkc. State IV.
with in the World, we would not grudge them their
good 'things here; nor take it amifs that God keeps
our beft Things laft. Heaven will make up all the ]
Saints Lofles, and all Tears wiM be wiped away ]
from their Eyes, there.
3fis worth obferving, That there is fueh a Va¬
riety of Scripture Notions of Heaven’s Happinefs, i
as may fuit every afflifted Cafe of the Saints. Arc
they oppreffed ? The Day cometh, in which they ■
fhall have the Dominion. Is their Honour laid in
the Duji ? A ^throne to fit upon, a Crown on
their Head, and a Scepter in their Hand, will raifc
it up again. Are they reduc’d to Poverty ? Hea¬
ven is a Streafure. If they be forc’d to quit their
own Habitations, yet Chrift’s Father's Houfe is rea¬
dy for them. Are they driven to the JVilderneJs?
There is a City prepared for them. Are they bamjht
from their native Country ? They fhall inhe rit a
better Country. If they arc depriv’d of pub lick Or¬
dinances, tne Lord God Almighty and the Lamb
are the 'temple there, whither they are going ; a
Temple, the Doors of which none can ihut: If
their Life be full of Bitternefs, Heaven is a Para-
dije for Pleafure. If they groan under the Re¬
mains of fpiritual Bondage, there’s a glorious Li- \
ierty abiding them. Do their defil’d Garments make
them afham’d ? , The Day cometh, in which their ;
Kobes fhall be white, pure, and fpotlefs. <the Bat¬
tle againft Flefh and Blood,F.incipalities and Pow- 1
crs, is indeed fore; but a glorious triumph is a-
waiting them. If the toil and Labours of the Chri-
flian Life be great, there’s an everlafling Reft for
them in Heaven. Are they judg’d unworthy of So-
etety in the World? They fhall be admitted into
the Society of Angels in Heaven. Do they com¬