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Head V. The eternal "Duration fee. 54.7'
thy Lord. The Expreffion is fomewhat linufual,
and brings me in Mind of that Word of our fuf-
fering Redeemer. Mark xiv. 34. My Soul is ex-
seeding ftrrowful unto Death. His Soul was befet
with Sorrows, as the Word, there ufed, will bear ;
the Floods of Sorrow went round about him, en-
compaflfmg him on every Hand ; whitherfoever he
turn’d his Eyes, Sorrow was before him ; it fprang
in upon him, from Heaven, Earth, and Hell, all at
once: Thus was he entred into Sorrow, and there¬
fore faith, Pfal. Ixix. 2. I am come into deep Waters,
where the Floods overflow me. Now wherefore all
this, but that his own might enter into Joy ? Joy
fometimes enters inta us now, with much ado to
get Accefs, while we arc eompafied with Sorrows:
But then Joy lhall not only enter into us, but we
fhall enter into it, and iwim for ever in an Ocean of
Joy; where we’ll fee nothing but Joy, whitherfo¬
ever we turn our Eyes. The Prefence and Enjoy¬
ment of God and the Lamb will fatisfy us with
Pleafuresfor evermore : And the Glory of our Souls
and Bodies, arifmg from thence, will afford usever-
Jafting Delight. The Spirit of H.evinefs, how
clofly foever it cleaves to any of the Saints now,
(hall drop off then : Their Weeping lhall be turn’d
into Songs of Joy, and Bottles of Tears fliall iffue
in Rivers ofPleafures. Happy they who now fow
in fears, which lhall fpring up in Joy, in Heaven,
and bow their Heads there with a Weight of Glory
upon them.
Thus far of the Society in this Kingdom of the
X. In the left Place, The Kingdom lhall endure
for ever. As every Thing in it is eternal, fo the
Saints lhall have undoubted Certainty and full Mf-
M -m 3 furance