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546 Fulnefsof Joy. State IV.
experimental Knowledge (if him, by Sight and full
Participation of the Divine Goodnefs.
Laftly, From this glorious Prefence and Enjoy-
ment fhall arife an unfpeakable Joy, which the Saints
fhall be filled with. In thy Prefence is Fulnefs of
Joy^ Pfal. xvi. 11. The Saints fometimes enjoy God
in the World, when their Eyes being held, that
they cannot perceive it, they have not the Comfort
of the Enjoyment: But then, all Miftakes being re¬
mov’d, they lhall not only enjoy God, but reft in
the Enjoyment with unexprefliblc Joy and Satif-
faftion. The Defire of earthly Things breeds Tor¬
ment, and the Enjoyment ot them often ends in
Loathing. But tho’ the glorify’d Saints fhall ever
defire more and more of God, their Defires fhall
not be mixt with the leaft Anxiety, fince the Ful¬
nefs of the Godhead ftands always open to them j
therefore tbeyjhall hunger no more, they fhall not
have the leaft Uneafinefs, in their eternal Appetite
after the hidden Manna i Neither fhall continued
Enjoyment breed Loathing; they fhall never think
they have too muchtherefore ’tis added, neither
JhaU the Sun light on them, nor any Heat, Rev. vii.
16. The Enjoyment of God and the Lamb will be
ever frefh and new to them, thro’ the Ages of Eter¬
nity : For they fhall drink of living Fountains of
Waters, where new Waters are continually fpring-
ing up in Abundance, ver. 17. They fhall eat of the
Tree of Life, which, for Variety, affords twelve
Manner of Fruits, and thefe always new and frefh,
fork yields, every Month, Rev. xxii. 2. Their Joy
fhall be pure and unmixed, without any Dregs of
Sorrow ; not flight and momentany, but folid and
ever lading, without Interruption. They’ll enter in-*
to Joy, Matth. xxv, 21. Enter thou into the Joy of