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HeadV. God and the Lamb. 541
may touch the Mountain, but cannot grafp it in
their Arms. They cannot, with one Glance of their
Eye, behold what grows on every Side : But the
Divine Perfe&ions will be an unbounded Field, in
which the Glorityd (hall walk eternally, feeing more
and more of God; fince they can never come to
the End of that, which is infinite. They may bring
their Veflels to this Ocean every Moment, and fill
il them wich new Waters. What a raviftiing Sight
would it be, to fee all the Perfections, and lovely
Qualities, that are fcattered here and there amonglt
the Creatures, gathered together into one! But
even fuch a Sight would be infinitely below this
blifsful Sight, the Saints (hall have in Heaven. For
they (hall fee God, in whom all thefe Perfections
: (hall eminently appear, with infinitely more; where¬
of there is no Veltige to be found in the Creatures.
In him (hall they fee every defireable, and nothing
but what is defireable.
Then (hall they be perfectly fatisfi’d, as to the
Love of God towards them, which they are now
ready to queftion on every Turn. They will be no
more fet to perfuade themfelves of it, by Marks,
Signs, and Teftimonies : They’ll have an intuitive
Knowledge of it. They (hall (with the profoundeft
Reverence be it fpoken) look into the Heart of God,
and there fee the Love he bore to them from all
Eternity, and the Love and Good-will he will bear
to.them for evermore. The Glorify’d (hall have a
mod clear and diftinCt Underftanding of Divine
^truths, for in his Light we fhall fee Light, Pfal.
xxxvi. p. The Light of Glory will be a complete
Commentary on the Bible, and loofe all the hard
^ and knotty Queftions in Divinity. There’s no Joy
«n Earth, comparable to that which arifcth from