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540 Full Enjoyment of State IW
in his Night-Clothes, quick palling by us ; and si
fixed Lcifure View jOt him, fitting on his Throne
in his Royal Robes, his Crown oh his Head, and |
his Scepter in his Hand; Such a Difference will 1
there be, betwixt thegreatefl; Manifeftation of God* ;
that ever a Saint had on Earth; and the Difplay,
of his Glory, that lhall be feen in Heaven. There ;
the Saints Ihall, eternally without Interruption, ’
feed their Eyes upon him, and be ever viewing his :
glorious Perfections. And as their bodily Eyes ;
fhall be ftrengthned and fitted, to behold the glo-
rious Majcfty of the Man Chrift ; as Eagles gaze ;
on the Sun, without being blinded thereby: So j
their Minds lhall have fuch an Elevation, as will ;
fit them to fee God in his Glory : Their Capacities:
lhall be enlarged, according to the Meafure, in
which he lhall be pleafed to communicate himfelf j
unto them, for their complete Happinefs.
This blifsful Sight of God, being quite above
our prefent Capacities, we muft needs be much in
the Dark about in But it feems to be fomething
elfe, than the Sight of that Glory, which we’ll fee ;
with our bodily Eyes, in the Saints, and in the
Man Chrift, or any other Splendor or Refulgence j
from the Godhead, whatfoever : For no created |
Thing can be our chief Good and Happinefs, nor ’
fully fatisfy our Souls; and ’tis plain* that thefe
Things are fomewhat different from God himfclf.
Therefore I conceive, that the Souls of the Saints
lhall fee God himfelf; So the Scriptures teach us,
that we lhall fee Face to Face, and know even as we
are known, i Cor. xiii. 12. And that we jhall fee
him as bets, 1 John iii. 2. Howbeit the Saints can
never have an adequate Conception of God: They
cannot comprehend that, which is infinite. They