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Head V. God and the Lamb. 557
them that believe, 2 Thef. i. 10. Were each Star,
in the Heavens, Ihining as the Sun in its meridi¬
an Brightnefs, and the Light of the Sun fo increaf-
ed, as the Stars in that Cafe, fhould bear the fame
Proportion to the Sun, in Point of Light, that they
do now; it might poflibly be fome faint Refem-
blance of the Qory of the Man Chrift, in Compari-
fon with that of the Saints: For tho’ the Saints Jhall
Jhin? forth as the Sun ; yet not they, but the Lamb
ihall be the Light of the City. The wife Men fell
down, and worlhipped him, when they faw him a
young Child, with Mary his Mother, in the Houfe.
But O what a ravilhing Sight will it be to fee him in
his Kingdom, on his Throne, at the Father’s Right
Hand ! tfhe Ward was made Flejb (John i. 14.)
and the Glory of God Ihall Ihine through that
Flefh, and the Joys of Heaven fpring out from it,
unto the Saints, who fhall fee and enjoy God, in
'j Chrift. For fince the Union betwixt Chrift and
1 the Saints is never diflblv’d, but they continue his
I Members for ever ; and the Members cannot draw
their Life, but from their Head, feeing that which
is independent on the Head, as to vital Influence,
is no Member : Therefore Jefus Chrift will remain
the everlafting Bond of Union, betwixt God and
ij the Saints; from whence their eternal Life Ihall
[ fpring, John xxxi. 2, 3. cfhou haft given him Power
j over all Flejh, that he fhould give eternal Life ts
i fis many, as thou hafl given him. And this is
. Life eternal, that they might know thee the only true
I God, &c. Ver. 22, 23. And the Glory which thou.
i gaveft me, I have given them, that they may be one,
- even as we are one : 1 in them, and then in me,
that they may be made perfedl in one. Wherefore the
immediate Enjoyment of God in Heaven, is to be