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536 Full Enjoyment of State IV.
verfe with his Saints, thro* the Lattefles of Ordi¬
nances ; but then fliall they be in the Prefence- j
chamber with him. There’s a Vail now on the I
glorious Face, as to us : But when we come to the
upper Houfe, that Vail thro* which fome Rays of
Beauty are now darted, will be found entirely ta-
Jten off; and then fhall glorious Excellencies and
Perfedions, not feen in him by Mortals, be clear¬
ly difeovered, for we fliall fee his Face, Rev. xxii.
4. The Phrafe feems to be borrowed from the ]
Honour put on fome in the Courts of Monarchs,
to be Attendants on the King’s Perfon. We read,
Jer. lii. 25. of [even Men of them that were (Heb.
Seers of the King’s Face, i. e. as we read it) near
the King’s Perfon. O unfpeakable Glory ! The
great King keeps his Court in Heaven j and the
Saints fliall all be his Courtiers, ever near the
King’s Perfon, feeing his Face. ‘The Throne of God
and of the Lamb, feall he in it, and his Servants
Jhall ferve him. And they floall fee bis Face, Rev.
xxii. 3, 4?
(1.) They fhall fee Jefus Chrift with their bo¬
dily Eyes, fince he wdll never lay afide the human
Nature. They’ll always behold that glorious blef- j
fed Body, which is perfonaily united to the Di¬
vine Nature, and exalted far above Principalities ^
atid Powers, and eyery Name that is named. There •
we’ll fee, with our Eyes, that very Body, which
was born of Mary at Bethlehem, and crucified at ;
Jerufalem, betwixt two Thieves ; the blelfed Head, j
that was crown’d with Thorns; the Face, that was
fpit upon; the Hands and Feet that were nail’d to j
the Crofs ; all Aiming with unconceivable Glory. |
The Glory of the Man Chrift will attrad the Eyes |
of all the Saints, and he will be for ever admired in all I
them \