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Head V. The Society of the Sts. 529
But there they fhall be perfed, without Spot or
Wrinkle, or any fucb. 'firing, Eph. v. ay. And all
hatural, as well as (infill Imperfe&ions are then done
away ; they Jhall jhine as the Brigbtnefs of the Fir¬
mament, Dan. xii, 3.
There we’ll fee Adam and E<ve in the heavenly
Paradife, freely eating of the Tree of Life ■, Abraham,
Ifaac and Jacob, and all the holy Patriarchs, no
more wandering from Land to Land, but come to
their everlafting Reft -, all the Prophets, feeding their
Eyes on the Glory of him, of whofe Coming they
prophefied; the twelve Apoftles of the Lamb, fit¬
ting on their twelve Thrones; all the holy Martyrs
in their long white Robes, with their Crowns on
their Heads ; the godly Kings advanced to a King¬
dom, which cannot be moved; and them that turn
many to Rigbteouftiefs, (hining as the Stars for ever
and ever. There we’ll fee our godly Friends, Re¬
lations and Acquaintances, Pillars in the fcmple of
God, to go no more out from us. And ’tis more
than probable, that the Saints will know one another
in Heaven; that, at leaft, they’ll know their Friends,
Relatives, and thefe they were acquainted with on
Earth, andfuchas have been moft eminent in the
Church: Howbcit that Knowledge will be purged
from all earthly Thoughts and Affe&ions. This feems
to be included in that Perfe&ion of Happinefs to
which the Saints (hall be advanced there* If Adam
knew who and what Eve was, at firft Sight, when
the Lord God brought her to him (Geii. ii. 23, 24.)
Why ihould one Queftion, but Husbands and
Wives, Parents and Childrenj will know each other
in Glory ? If the TheJJalvnians, converted by Paul's
Miniftry, fhall be his Crown of Rejoycing in the
Prefence cf our Lord Jejus Ghriji, at hts coming
L 1 2 (j Thel.