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(554) 528 -
528 The Society there. State IV.
richeft Treafures, and all other Advantages of a
Kingdom, avail without comfortable Society ? Some j
crown'd Heads have had but a forry Life, thro’ the 1
Want of it: . Their Palaces have been unto them i
as Prifons, and their Badges of Honour as Chains
on a Prifoner; while hated of all, they had none
they could truft in, or whom they could have com- i
fortable Fell'owfhip with. But the chief Part of
Heaven's Happinefs lies in the blefled Society the
Saints fnall have there. For clearing of which con-
fider thefe few Things.
Firft, The Society of the Sainti, among them-
felves, will be no fmall Part o': Heaven's Happinefs.
The Communion of Saints on Earth is highly priz'd
by all thefe who are travelling thro' the World un¬
to Zion: And Companions in Sin can never have
fuch true Pleafure and Delight in one another, as
fometimes the Lord’s People have in praying toge- j
ther, and converfing about thefe Things, which the
World is a Stranger to. Here the Saints are but
few in a Company, at bell: And fome ot them are :
fo polled, as that they feem to themfelves to dwell
alone • having no Accefs to fuch, as they could ]
freely unbofom themfelves to, in the Matter of their
fpiritual Cafe. They ligh and fay, H'V is me, for
lam as when they have gathered the Summer Fruits 1
—there is no Clujler to eat—the good Man is perijh- ;
ed out of the Earth, Mic. vii. 1,2. But in the Gene¬
ral yhffembly of the firft Born in Heaven, none of all
the Saints, who ever were, or will be on the Earth,
lhall be miffing. They’ll be all of them together in
one Place, all poflefs one Kingdom, and all fit down
together to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Here the bell of the Saints want hot their finful
Imperfections, making their Society lefs comfortable: ;