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4-S6 The Books State IV.
the Seals will then be broken, and the Book opened.
Tl ere fhall be no more a weak or misinformed Con-
fcknce, among thefe on the right Hand, or thcfe on
the left. There fhall not be a filent Confcicnce,
and far lefs a fear'd Confcience, amongft all the un¬
godly Crew: But their Confciences fhall be moft;
quick-fightcd, and moft lively, in that Day. None
fhall then call Good Evil, or Evil Good. Ignorance
of what Sin is, and what Things are Sms, will have
no Place among them : And the fubtile Reafonings
of Men, in Favour of their Lufts, will then be for
ever baffled by their own Confciences. None fhall
have the Favour (if I may fo fpeak) of lying under
the foft Cover of Ddulion : But they fh^ll all be
con'viSled by their Confeicnce. Nill they, will they,
they fhall look on this Book, read, and be confound¬
ed, and ftand fpeechiefs, knowing that nothing is
charged upon them by Miftakc; fince this is a Book,
which was always in their own Cuftody. Thus
fhall the Judge make every Man fee himfelf, in the
Glafs of his own Confcience3 which will make quick
‘Thirdly, The Book of the Law fhali be opened.
This Book is the Standard and-Rule, by which is
known, what is Right, and what is Wrong; as
alfo, what Sentence is to be palled accordingly, on
thefe who are under it. As to the opening of this
Book, in its Jlatntory Part, which Shews what is
Sin and what is Duty; it falls in with the opening
of the Book of Confcience. For Confcience is fet
by the Sovereign Lawgiver in every Man’s Breaft,
to be his private Teacher, to fhew him the Law ;
and his private Pallor, to make Application of the
fame; and at that Day, it will be perfectly ht for
its Office : So that the Confcience, which is moft
ft up id