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4-56 The Qualities of the raiJedStateJV.
Mortal, but incompetent to the glorified Bo-*;
Laftly, They fhall be fpiritual Bodies. Not,
that they lhall be changed into Spirits ; But they
fhall be fpiritual, in refpeft of their Spirit-like Qua¬
lities and Endowments. The Body fhall be, abfo-
lutely, fubfervient to the Soul, fubject to it, and in¬
fluenced by it ; and therefore, no more a Clog to
its Activity, nor the animal Appetites a Snare to it.
There will be no Need to beat it down, nor to drag
it to the Service of God. The Soul, in this Life, is
fo much influenced by the Body, that in Scripture-
ftile it is faid to be Carnal: But then, the Body
lhall be fpiritual, readily ferving the Soul in the
Buflnefs of Heaven ; and in that only, as if it had
no more Relation to Earth, than a Spirit. It will
have no further Need of the now neceflary Supports
of Life, namely. Food and Raiment, and the like.
cthey JhaU hunger no more, neither thirfi any more.
Rev. vii. id. For in the JLefurrettion, they neither
marry, nor are given in Marriage, but are as the
Angels of God in Heaven. Then ihall the Saints
be ftrong without Meat or Drink, warm without
Clothes, ever in perfect Health without Medicine,
and ever freJJj and vigorous, tho* they fhall never
fleep, but ferve him Night and Day in his Hrmple.
Rev. vii. 15. They’ll need none of thefe Things,
more than Spirits do. They’ll be nimble and aftive
as Spirits, and of a moll refin’d Conftitution. The
Body, that’s now lumpifh and heavy, fhall then be
molt fprightly. No fuch Thing as Melancholy,
fhall be found to make the Heart heavy, and - the
Spirits flag and fink. Where the Carcafe is, there
Os all the Saints, as fo many Eagles, be gathered