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Head III. Bodies of the Saints. 455
; Jhall be as David, and the Houfe of David pall be as
God. A grave Divine fays, That one lhall be
llronger, at the Refurre&ion ; than an Hundred,
yea than Thoufands are now. Certainly, great and
vaftly great, muft the Strength of glorified Bodies
be; feeing they fhall bear up under an exceeding
and eternal JVeight of Glory. The mortal Body is
not at all adapted to fuch a State. Do Tranfports
of Joy occafion Death, as well as exceflive Grief
does ? And can it bear up under a Weight of Glo¬
ry? Can it fubfift in Union with a Soul filled with
Heaven’s Raptures ? Surely no. The Mortal Bo¬
dy would fink under that Load, and fuch a Fill
would make the earthen Pitcher to fly all in Pieces.
The Scripture has plainly told us. That Flefh and
Blood (namely, in their prefent frail State, tho’ it
were the Flelh and Blood of a Giant) cannot inhe¬
rit the Kingdom of God, 1 Cor xv. 50. How ftrong'
muft the bodily Eyes be, which, to the Soul’s eter¬
nal Comfort, {hall behold the dazliag Glory and
Splendour of the new Jentfalem; and ftedfaftly
look at the tranfcendent Glory and Brightnefs of the
Man Chrift, the Lamb, who is the Light of that Ci¬
ty, the Inhabitants whereofpine as the Sun !
The Lord of Heaven doth now, in Mercy, hold back
the Face of his Throne, and fpreadeth his Cloud up¬
on it ; that Mortals may not be confounded with
1 the Rays of Glory, which fliine forth from it, Job
xxvi. 9. But then the Vail {hall be removed, and
they made able to behold it, to their unfpeakable
Joy. How jlrong muft their Bodies be, who fhall
not reft Night nor Day; but be without Intermif-
fion for ever employ’d, in the heavenly Temple, to
fing and proclaim the Praifes ot God, without Wea-
! rinds, which is a Weaknefs incident, to the frail