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Head III. the Refurre&ion. 4.^5
I. iVbo Jhall be raifed. Our Text tells us who
they are ; namely. All that are in the Graves, i.
all Mankind who are dead. As for thefe Perfons
who fhall be found alive at the fecond Coming of
Chrifl; they fiiall not die, and foon thereafter be
raifed again: But fuch a Change fhall fuddenly
pafs upon them, as fhall be to them inftead of dy¬
ing and rifing again ; fb that their Bodies fhall be¬
come like to thofc Bodies which are raifed out of
the Graves, i Cor. xv. 51, 52. IVeJhall not all fleept
but we Jhall be changed. In a Moment, m the
Twinkling of an Eye. Hence thefe, who are to
be juded at the Great Day, are diflinguifhed into
quick and dead, A<fts x. 42. All the Dead fhall
arife, whether godly or wicked, jujl or mjufi, f A&s
xxiv. 15.) old or young; the whole Race of Man¬
kind, even thefe who never faw the Sun, but died
in their Mothers Belly, Ke<v. xx. 12. And I faw
the Dead fmall and great Jland before God. The
Sea and Earth fhall give up their Dead, without
Refervc ; none fhall be kept back.
II. IVhat ft)all be raifed. The Bodies of Man¬
kind. A Man is faid to die, when the Soul is fe-
parated from the Body, and returns unto God who
gave it, Ecclef. xii. 7. But it is the Body only which
is laid in the Grave, and can be properly faid to
be raifed: Wherefore the Refurretficn is, fir idly
fpeaking, competent to the Body only. Moreover,
’tis the fame Body that dies, which fhall rife again.
At the Refurredion,Men fhall not appear with other
Bodies for Subftancc, than thefe which they now
have, and which are laid down in the Grave; but
with the felf-fame Bodies endowed with other Qua¬
lities. The very Notion of a Refurreftion implies
this j fince nothing can be faid to rije again, but