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442 The Nature of State IV.
and in his Covenant has declared his Will and Pur-
pofe fo to do, and whofe Promife cannot fail, they
ell are to be reckoned to live ; and, confiftent
with the Covenant, their Death is but a Sleep, out
of which, in virtue of the fame Covenant, fecuring
ell Blejfednefs to theii; Perfons, their whole Man,
they muft and fhall certainly be awakened. The
Apoftle Paul proves the Refurrefiion at large,
I Cor. xv. and {hews it to be a fundamental Ar¬
ticle, the Denial whereof is fubverfive of Chriftiani-
ty, ver. 13, 14. If there be no Kefur region of the
bead, then is Chrtjl not rifen. And if Cbrijl be not
rifen, then is our Preaching vain, and your Faith
is alfo vain.
To aflift us in conceiving of it, the Scripture
gives us Types of the Refurre&ion of the Dead ; as
the dry Bones living, Ezek. xxxvii. Jonah's coming
tut of the Whale's Belly, Matth. xii. 40. And Na¬
ture affords us Emblems and Refemblances of it,
as the Sun's fetting and riling again. Night and
Day, Winter and Simmer, Sleeping and Awaking ;
Swallows in Winter lying voia of all Appearance
of. Life, in ruinous Buildines, and fubterraneous
Caverns, and reviving again in the Spring Seafon ;
the Seeds dying under the Clod, and thereafter
fpringing up again: All which, and the like, may
juftly be admitted, as defign’d by the God of Na¬
ture, tho' not for Proofs, yet for Memorials, of the
KefurreSHon ; whereof we have Aflurance from the
Scripture, 1 Cor. xv. 36. <Thou Fool, that which thou
fowejl is not quickned, except it die.
II. I (hall enquire into the Nature of the ILefur-
reftion, {hewing, Firfl, Who lhall be raifed. tdly.
What {hall be raifed. ^dly. How the Dead Ihall
be raifed,
I. Whe