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Head HI. of the Refurrettion. 437
Wonders in the Eyes of others, becaufe they can¬
not comprehend them: And lhall Men confine
the infinite Power of God within the narrow
Boundaries of their own fliallow Capacity, in a
Matter noways contrary to Reafon ? An inferior
Nature has but a very imperfect Conception: of the
Power of a Superior. Brutes do not conceive of.
the Actings of Reafon in Men ; and Men have but
lame Notions of the Power of Angels: How low'
and inadequate a Conception then, muft a finite
Nature have of the Power of that which is infinite ! i
Tho’ we cannot conceive bow God a£frs',"yet ■ we '
ought to believe he can do above what we can think
or conceive of.
Wherefore, let the Bodies bf Men be laid in the
Grave; let them rot there, and be refolved into the i
moft minute Particles: Or let them be burnt, and
the Afhes!caft into Rivets, br thrown up into the
Air, to be fcattered by the Wind: Let the Dufl: of
a thoufand Generations be mingled, and th&Sreams
of the dead Bodies wander to and fro in the Air :
Let Birds or wild Beafts eat the dead Bodies, or the
Filhes of the Sea devour ‘them, fio that the Parts! of
human Bodies, thus deftroyed, pafs into fubilan-
tial Parts of Birds, Beafls, or Fifties : Or,, what is
more than that, let Man-eaters, who themfelves muft; '
die, and rife again, devour human Bodies; and let
others devour them again: And-then let our modern
Sadduces propofe the Queftfon in thefe Cafes; as the
ancient Sadduces did, in the Cafe of the Woman,
who had been married to feven Husbands fucceflivc-
ly, Matth. xxii. 28. We ahfwfer, as our blefted
Lord and Saviour did, ver. Te do err, not know¬
ing the Scriptures, nor the Power of God. We be¬
lieve God to be Qnmifcient, M OmnipotentIn-
E « 4 finite