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408 State of the Godly State IV.
When Jofepb fent for his Father to come down to
him to Egypt, telling him, God had made him Lord
ever all Egypt, Gen. xlv. 9. and Jacob faw the
Wagons Jofepb had fent to carry him, the Spirit of
Jacob revived, ver. 27. he frankly refolves to un¬
dertake the Journey. I think, when the-Lord calls
a godly Man out of this World, he fends him fuch
glad Tidings, and fuch a kind Invitation into the
other World; that if he had Faith to believe it, his
Spirit muft revive, when he fees the Wagon of
Death, which comes to carry him thither. ’Tis
true indeed, he has a weighty Trial to undergo j af¬
ter Death the Judgment. But the Cafe of the
Godly is altogether hopeful ; for the Lord of the
Land is their Husband, and their Husband is the
Judge : 'The Father hath committed all Judgment
unto the Son, John v. 22. And furely the Cafe of
the Wife is hopeful, when her own Husband is her
’Judge, even fuch a Husband as hates putting away.
No Husband is fo loving and fo tender of his
Spoufe, as the Lord Chrift is of his. One would
think, it would be a very bad Land, which a Wife
would not willingly go to, where her Husband is
the Ruler and Judge. Moreover, their Judge is
the Advocate, 1 John ii. 1 We have an Advocate
•with the Father, Jefus Chrifi the Righteous. And
therefore they need not fear their being put back,
and falling into Condemnation. What can be more
favourable ? Can they think, that he who pleads
their Caufe, will himfelf pafs Sentence again them ?
Yet further, their Advocate is their Redeemer-, they
are redeemed with the precious Blood of Chrift, x Pet.
i. 18, ip. So when he pleads for them, he is plead¬
ing his own Caufe. Tho’ an Advocate may be
carciefs of the Intereft of one who employs him ;