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Head II. State of the Godly^ tkc. 407
Hazard of being driven away in their Wickednefs?
Is not Death approaching them, even the youngeft
of them ? And are they not Strangers to true Chri-
ftianity, remaining in that State, in which they came
into the World ? Oh, make hafte to pluck the
Brand out of the Fire, before it be burnt to Aflics.
The Death of Relations often leave a Sting in the
Hearts of thefc they leave behind them ; for that
they do not do for their Souls, as they had Oppor¬
tunity ; and that now the Opportunity is for ever
taken out of their Hands.
D O C T. II.
tf/je State of the Godly in Death, is a hopeful State.
We have feen the dark Side of the Cloud look¬
ing towards ungodly Men, palling out of the
World: Let us now take a View of the bright Side
oi it, ihining on the Godly, as they are entring u-
pon their eternal State. In difeourfing this Subjed,
I fhall confirm this Do&rine, anfwer an Objeftion
againft it, and then make fome practical Improve¬
ment of the whole.
For Confirmation, let it be obferved, That al-
tho* the Palfage out of this World by Death,
have a frightful Afpedt to poor Mortals; and to
mifearry in it muft needs be of fatal Confequence :
Yet the following Circumflances make the State
of the Godly in their Death, happy and hope-
Firfi, They have a trufty good Friend before them
in the other World. Jefus Chrifl, their bed Friend
is Lord of that Land, to which Death carries them.