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Head I. The Certainty of Death. 369
cold Arms, to receive us from the Womb : dut
tho’ we do then narrowly efcape its Clutches, we
cannot efcape long; we will be brought back again
to it. Job knew this, he had laid his Account with
it, and was looking for it.
D O C T. All mufi die.
Altho’ this Do&rine be confirmed by the Expe¬
rience of all former Generations, ever fince Abel
entred into the Houfe appointed for all Living . and
thu’ the Living know that they Jhall die : Y.t it is
needful to dilcourfe of the Certainty of Death,
that it may be impreft on the Mind, and duly
Wherefore confider There is an unalterable
Statute of Dt'ath, under which Men are conclud¬
ed. It is appointed unto Men once to die. Heb ix.
27. ’Tis laid up for them, as Parents lay up for
their Children : They may look for it, and cannot
mifs it •, feeing God has defigned and referved it for
them. There’s no Peradventure in it; we mufi
needs die, 2 Sam. xiv. 14. Tho’ fome Men will
not hear of Death, yet every Man muft fee Death,
Pfal. Ixxxix. 48. Death is a Champion all muft
grapple with: We muft enter the Lilts with it, and
it will have the Maftery, lie clef, viii 8. sphere is
no Man that bath Power over the Spirit, to retain
the Spirit, neither hath he Power in the Day cf
Death. They indeed who are found alive at ChrifLs
coming, jhdll all be changed, 1 Cor. xv. 5 1. But
that Change will be equivalent to Death, will an-
fwer the Purpofes of it. All other Perfons muft go
the common Road, the Way of all flejh. Second¬
ly, Let us confult daily Obfervation. Every Mari
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