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368 Explication of the Tent. State IV. .'
fuppofed, namely, That all Men muft, by Deaths
remove out of this World ; they muft die Butt
whither muft they go ? They muft go to the Houje,
anointed for all Living ; to the Grave, that dark-
fome, gloomy, folkary Houfe, in the Land ot Forget-;
fulnefs. Whercfoever the Body is laid up, till the.
Refurre&ion; thither, as to a Dwelling-boufey
Death brings us Home. While we are in the Body,
we are but in a Lodging-houfe; in an Inn, on our
Way Homeward. When we come to our Grave,
we come to our Home, our Long-home, Ecclef. xii.
5. All Living muft be Inhabitants of this Houfe, ‘
Good and Bad, Old and Young. Man’s Li‘e is a
Stream, running into Death’s devouring Deeps.
They, who now live in Palaces, muft quit them,
and go home to this Houfe; and they, who have
not where to lay their Heads, (hall thus have a
Houfe at length. It is appointed for all, by him,
whofe Counfel (hall ftand. This Appointment can¬
not be (hitted; it is a Law, which Mortals cannot
tranfgrefs. Job’s Application of this general Truth
to himfelf, is exprefled in thefe Words; I know
that thou wilt bring me to Death, 8cc. He knew,
that he behov’d to meet with Death ; that his
Soul and Body behov’d to part; that, God, who
had fet the Tryft, would certainly fee it kept.
Sometimes Job was inviting Death to come to him,
and carry him Home to its Houfe ; yea, he was
in Hazard of running to it, before the Time. Job
vii. ij- My Soul choofetb Strangling, and Death
rather than my Life. But here he confiders, God
would bring him to it; yea, bring him back to
it, as the Word imports. Whereby, he feems to
intimate, that we have no Life in this World, but
as Runaways from Death, which ftretcheth out its