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Head II. Sanctification. 335
ouc of his Sight : But it hangs there as yet, work¬
ing and ftruggling under its mortal Wounds.
Look, as when a Tree has got fuch a Stroke as
reaches the Heart of it, all the Leaves and Bran¬
ches thereof begin to fade and decay : So, where
the fan&ifying Spirit comes, and breaks the Power
of Sin, there is a gradual Ceafmg from it, and dy¬
ing to it, in the whole Man ; fo that he no longer
lives in the Flejh, to the Lufts of Men. He does
not make Sin his Trade and Bufmefs ; it is not
his great Defign,to feek himfelf,and to fatisfy his cor¬
rupt Inclinations: But he is for Emmanuel's Land;
and is walking in the High way to it, the Way,
which is called, cthe Way of Holinefs : Though
the Wind from Hell, that was on his Back before,
blows now full in his Face, makes his Travelling
uneafy, and often drives him off the High-way.
(z.) This Spirit is a Spirit o( Vivification to them;
fer he is the Spirit of Life, and makes them live
unto Righteoufnefs, Ezek. xxxvi. 27. Hnd I will
put my Spirit within you, and caufe you to walk in
tny Statutes. Thefe that have been planted together
with Chrift, in the Likenefs of his Death, Jhall be
alfo in the Likenefs of his Re furred ion, Rom. vi.
5. At ChrilTs Refurre&ion, when his Soul was
reunited with his Body, every Member of that blef-
fed Body was enabled again, to perform the Acti¬
ons of Life : So, the Soul being influenc’d by the
fasuaifying Spirit of Chrift, is enabled more and
more to perform all the Ad ions of fpiritual Life.
And as the whole of the Law, and not feme
Scrapes of it only, is written on the holy Heart;
fo Believers are enabled to tranferibe that Law, in
their Converfation And al:ho’ they cannot write
one Line of it, without Biots; yet God, for Thrift’s