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Santtification. State III.
Stock, and from thence is communicate to the
Branches, is the Spirit of Gracey Zecn. xii. 10. And,
where the Spirit of Grace dwells, there will be found
a Complication of all Graces. Holinefs is not one •
Grace only, but all the Graces of the Spirit: 3Tis a
Conftellation of Graces ; ’tis all the Graces in their:
Seed and Root. And as the Sap conveyed from the
Stock into the Branch, goes thro’ it, and thro’ every!
Parc of it; fo the Spirit of Chrift fanftifies the whole
Man. The Poifon of Sin was dift'ufed through the
whole Spirit, Soul and Body of the Man; and fanfti- ]
lying Grace purfues it into every Corner, i I’heff.
v. 23. Every Part of the Man is fanftified, tho3 no
Part is perfectly fo. The Truth we arc fan&ified by,
is not held in the Head, as in a Prifon; but runs
with its fan<5tifying Influences, thro3 Heart and
Life. There are indeed fome Graces, in every Be¬
liever, which appear as Top-branches above the reft;
As Meeknefs in Mofes, Patience in Job: But fee¬
ing there is in every Child of God, a holy Principle
going along with the holy Law, in all the Parts
thereof, loving, liking, and approving of it; as ap¬
pears from their univerfal Refpedt to the Commands
of God: 3Lis evident they are endowed with «//
the Graces of the Spirit; becaufe there can be no
more in the Efteft, than there was in the Caufe.
Now this fanctifying Spirit, whereof Believers
partake, is unto them (1.) ASvixitoi Mortification,
through the Spirit they mortify 'the Deeds of the Bo¬
dy, Rom. viii. 13. Sin is crucified, in them, Gal.
v. 24. They are planted together (namely with
Chrift) in the Likenefs of his Death, which was a
lingering Death, Rom. vi. 5. Sin in the Saint, tho3
not quite dead, yet, is dying. If it were dead, it
would be taken down from the Crofs and buried