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Head II. Inferences. 515
are the V'emple of the Holy Ghoft, ver. 19. and the
Members of Chrifi, ver. 15. When they fleep in the
Duft, they /leep in Jefus, 1 Thefl'. iv. 14. and’tis
in virtue o£ this Union, they {hall be raifed up out
of the Duft again, Rom. viii. ij. He Jhall quicken
your mortal Bodies, by his Spirit that dwelleth in
you. In Token of this myfttcal Union, the Church
of Believers is called by the Name of her Head and
Husband, 1 Cor. xii. 12. For as the Body is one, and
bath many Members,—-fo alfo is Chrift.
Use. From what is laid, we may draw thefe
following Inferences.
1. The preaching of the Law is moft necdfary.
He that would ingraft, muft needs ufe the fnedding
Knife. Sinners have many Shifts to keep them
from Chrift j many Things by which they keep
their Hold of the natural Stock : Therefore they
have need to be clofely purfued, and hunted out of
their fculking Holes, and Refuges of Lies.
2. Yet ftis the Gofpel that crowns the Work:
L’he Law makes nothing perfect. The Law lays
open the Wound, but 'tis the Gofpel that heals.
The Law Jirips a Man, wounds him, and leaves
him half dead : The Gofpel binds up his Wounds,
pouring in Wine and Oil, to heal them. By the
Law, we are broken off: But Yis by the Gofpel we
are taken up, and implanted in Chrift.
3. If any Man have not the Spirit of Chrift, he is
none of bis, Rom. viii. 9. We are told of a Monfter
in Nature, having two Bodies differently animated,
as appeared from contrary Aftedions at one and the
fame Time; but fo united, that they were ferved
with the felt fame Legs. Even fo however Men
may cleave to Chrift, call themfelves of the holy
City, and ftay themfelves upon the God of Ifrael,