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914. How a Sinner is, &c. State IIF,
Grace he can; the Holy Spirit working in him |
the IVork of Faith with Power.
Secondly, The Sinner thus apprehended, appre- 1
bends Chrift by Faith, and fo takes with the blefled
Stock, Eph. iii. 17. 'ithat Chrijl may dwell in your
Hearts by Faith. The Soul that before tried many
Ways of Efcape, but all in vain, doth now look
again, with the Eye of Faith, which proves the
healing Look. As Aaron\ Rod laid up in the ta¬
bernacle, budded, and brought forth Buds, Num.
xvii. 8. So the dead Branch apprehended by the
Lord of Lke ; put into, and bound up with, the
glorious quickening Stock, by the Spirit of Life;
buds forth in a&ual Believing on Jefus Chrift,
whereby this Union is compleated. We having the
fame Spirit of Faith believe, 2 Cor. iv. 13. Thus
Stock and the Graft are united, Chrift and the
Chriftian are married ; Faith being the Soul’s Con-
fent'to the fpiritual Marriage-Covenant, which as
it is propofed in the Gofpel to Mankind Sinners
indefinitely, fo it is demonftrated, attefted, and
brought home, to the Man in particular, by the
Holy Spirit: And fo he being joined to the Lord
is one Spirit with him. Hereby a Believer lives in,
and for Chrift, and Chrift lives in, and for the
Believer, Gal. ii. 20. I am crucified with Chrift.
Neverthelefs, I live, yet not I, but Chrift Uveth in
me. Hof. iii. 3. thou fiealt not be for another Man,
fo will I alfo be for thee. The Bonds then of this
blefled Union are, the Spirit on Chrift’s Part, and
Faith on the Believer’s Part.
Now both the Souls and Bodies of Believers are
united to Chrift. He that is joined to the Lord is
me Spirit, 1 Cor. vi. 17. The very Bodies of Be¬
lievers have this Honour put upon them, that they